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Laughter Clubs

A great way learn to laugh away your stress with others!  When we learn how to share laughter together, we get a great giggle work-out, strong social connections, a sense of joy and positive energy that generates a happier and healthier lifestyle!

Contact Linda to form a laughter group in your area!

Let's gather to laugh for no reason, get an easy aerobic work-out, meet new people, reduce stress and anxiety, add more joy and sparkle to life, enhance our mental and physical well-being and unify our world through laughter! This is not your bendy, stretchy yoga, so no mats, poses or fitness level are required. Please wear comfortable clothing and a smile!
Adults and kids (6 and up) are welcome.  Our suggested donation helps fund scholarships to train new laughter leaders!
This hour long laughter session begins with gentle stretching, clapping and chanting warm-ups, as well as "laughter exercises which use playful acting and visualization methods to keep us laughing and making eye contact with one another. We wind down with our "laughter meditation" which allows us to enjoy the spontaneous flow of laughter we have created by the end of our session.  We close with guided relaxation exercises and affirmations....and lots of bubbles and hugs!

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